Presenting Vanessa, young winner of the Linda Cena prize at the Quirinale
It was a day to remember for Vanessa Speziale, the young and talented girl from Morbegno who won with her thesis entitled “A virtual exhibition for the Paolo Monti Archive” the Linda Cena Prize, promoted by Bracco Foundation and part of the extensive programme of the Comitato Leonardo Qualità Italia.
Each year the Committee, to promote the image of Italy as a country, awards a number of prizes in a ceremony at the Palazzo del Quirinale, where Vanessa received her prize, with a project dedicated to the art of photography, investigation of an author and the use of digital technology to highlight his personality and works.
A photograph can immortalise a moment, isolated and emphasise it, grasp its essence and separate it, as in a well orchestrated formula, from a context yet to come. Vanessa Speziale was able to interpret and propose an itinerary that was completely virtual and immaterial but well deciphered so as to amplify with new technology the value of an artist.