
International Symposium “The role of art and environment in caring for hospital patients”

How much can a visually, artistically and culturally stimulating environment influence our mood? How important is it if we are patients in hospital? Can we renew the conception of hospitals to improve therapy, revealing the interdependence between environment, illness and well-being?


All the faces of ST. Helena for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day saw a major homage to the figure of Helena, who, in her long life, played many roles: she was mother of the celebrated Emperor Constantine, Empress and Augusta of a vast empire and finally saint, linked to the cult of the “true cross”.


Singers of the Teatro alla Scala Academy and Orquestra Sinfonica de Heliopolis in concert in Sao Paulo

The solemn opening ceremony of the 43rd Paulista Radiology Day (JPR ), which was held in São Paulo in the first week of May, was enriched by a concert sponsored by the foundation: Ludimilla Bauerfeldt and Jaeyoon Jung, young soprano and tenor of the Course for opera Singers of the Teatro alla Scala Academy. They performed a famous and fascinanting all-Italian opera programme, accompanied by the Orquestra Sinfonica de Heliopolis conducted by Maestro Edilson Ventureli.


Seminario a Roma sulla prevenzione e diagnostica del tumore al seno”

Fondazione Bracco e l’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma realizzano il “Prevenzione e Diagnostica del tumore al seno: amiche delle giovani donne”, con l’obiettivo di favorire la cultura della prevenzione su un tema particolarmente rilevante come il carcinoma mammario che, in età giovanile, è la patologia tumorale più frequente in Italia.


Seminar in Rome on the prevention and diagnosis of breast cancer

Bracco Foundation and the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome organised the seminar “Prevention and Diagnosis of breast cancer: friends of young women,” in order to improve the culture of prevention in such an important area as breast cancer, the most frequent form of cancer among young women in Italy.

Mostra iconografica per i 200 anni della Scuola di ballo dell’Accademia Teatro alla Scala

Si inaugura il 4 luglio a Milano presso il Centro Diagnostico Italiano (CDI) la mostra iconografica, a cura di Francesca Pedroni, “Album di compleanno 1813 – 2013 La Scuola di Ballo dell’Accademia Teatro alla Scala” che ripercorre la storia della Scuola dall’anno della sua fondazione, il lontano 1813, ad oggi.