In the presence of the Mayor of Milan Letizia Moratti and numerous personalities from the worlds of culture and institutions, including Lorin Maazel, Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Maria Benedetta Donati and Livia Pomodoro, today in Milan saw the presentation of Bracco Foundation, a major new cultural institution on the Italian scene.
Archivi: News ed eventi
Raccolta di news/eventi del portale
As part of the Foundation’s activities supporting the Museo Poldi Pezzoli, on the evening of February 18, 2013, guests will have the chance to visit the exhibition which, inspired by one of the most important works in the museum, the recently restored Imago Pietatis by Giovanni Bellini, examines the formal evolution of the iconography of Piety in the artistic works of Bellini between 1450 and 1470 through for extraordinary masterpieces by the artist portraying the subject, housed in the Milanese museum, in the Bergamo Accademia Carrara, in the Venice Museo Correr and in the Museo della Città di Rimini.
Fondazione Bracco organizza, nel contesto della Giornata Mondiale della Donna, il convegno “Donne e benessere psicologico: stili di vita, salute e cultura”.
In the context of the International Women’s Day, Bracco Foundation organised the conference “Women and psychological well-being: lifestyles, health and culture”.
La Fondazione Bracco annuncia in una conferenza stampa il 16 dicembre 2011 alle 12.00 a Milano, nella sede della Scuola di Ballo dell’Accademia, un programma triennale di partnership con l’Accademia Teatro alla Scala, di cui diventa Socio Fondatore e Main Partner, nell’ottica di promuovere la cultura italiana nel mondo, e offrire al tempo stesso a tanti giovani l’opportunità di sviluppare i propri talenti.
Bracco Foundation announced at a press conference on December 16, 2011 at 12:00 in Milan, at the headquarters of the Academy School of Ballet, a three-year collaboration with Teatro alla Scala Academy, of which it became main and founding partner to promote the Italian culture in the world, and at the same time, to offer young people the opportunity to develop their talents.
Prevention for women in a dvd
The seminar “Diagnosis and Prevention: friends of women”, along with its significant media coverage in TV and press, had great success.
La Fondazione Umberto Veronesi in collaborazione con Fondazione Bracco avvia un ciclo di tre incontri sulla prevenzione al femminile, dal titolo “Scienza & Donne”.
The Fondazione Umberto Veronesi Foundation in collaboration with Fondazione Bracco is launching a series of three meetings on prevention for women, entitled “Women & Science”.
La Fondazione Bracco ha promosso il 1° Premio Cav. Lav. Fulvio Bracco, destinato a giovani Dottori di Ricerca/Laureati con esperienza post Laurea in strutture di ricerca scientifica.