
At the Rudolphinum in Prague with the La Scala Philharmonic

Bracco Foundation took the La Scala Philharmonic Orchestra to Prague for a special concert at the Rudolphinum. The Foundation is the main partner of this event, part of a calendar of national and international tours that will take the orchestra on to some of the most important European stages, including Stuttgart and Linz.


Art and Technology account of a public-private partnership to promote the heritage of the Musei di Strada Nuova

The commitment of Bracco Foundation for the Municipality of Genoa – Culture and Tourism Department – to promote the noble residences of the Genoa Musei di Strada Nuova continues. The project, which makes use of the know-how of Montalbano Technology, was created to ensure adequate preservation of the works of art exposed to environmental agents, using new technologies.


Assegnato il Premio Cav. Lav. Fulvio Bracco

In sintonia con l’impegno a sostenere la ricerca e i giovani ricercatori la Fondazione Bracco ha promosso e realizzato la prima edizione del Premio Cav. Lav. Fulvio Bracco, destinato a giovani Dottori di Ricerca o a Laureati con esperienza post Laurea in strutture di ricerca di area scientifica.


Assegnate le borse di studio Bracco Imaging per il 2011

La Commissione, composta dai rappresentanti dei cinque Comuni di Cesano Maderno, Ceriano Laghetto, Bovisio Masciago, Cogliate e Solaro, oltre che dai rappresentanti di Fondazione Bracco e Bracco Imaging, ha assegnato le borse di studio riservate agli studenti universitari della zona.


Here are the winners of the 2012 Bracco imaging scholarships

There are nine winners of the scholarships promoted by Bracco Foundation and Bracco Imaging for 2012. They were selected by a Commission made up of representatives of the five Municipalities involved (Cesano Maderno, Ceriano Laghetto, Bovisio Masciago, Cogliate and Solaro), and delegates of Bracco Foundation and Bracco Imaging.