
Assegnate le borse di studio Bracco Imaging per il 2011

La Commissione, composta dai rappresentanti dei cinque Comuni di Cesano Maderno, Ceriano Laghetto, Bovisio Masciago, Cogliate e Solaro, oltre che dai rappresentanti di Fondazione Bracco e Bracco Imaging, ha assegnato le borse di studio riservate agli studenti universitari della zona.


Here are the winners of the 2012 Bracco imaging scholarships

There are nine winners of the scholarships promoted by Bracco Foundation and Bracco Imaging for 2012. They were selected by a Commission made up of representatives of the five Municipalities involved (Cesano Maderno, Ceriano Laghetto, Bovisio Masciago, Cogliate and Solaro), and delegates of Bracco Foundation and Bracco Imaging.


Bellini’s restored Imago Pietatis on show

As part of the Foundation’s activities supporting the Museo Poldi Pezzoli, on the evening of February 18, 2013, guests will have the chance to visit the exhibition which, inspired by one of the most important works in the museum, the recently restored Imago Pietatis by Giovanni Bellini, examines the formal evolution of the iconography of Piety in the artistic works of Bellini between 1450 and 1470 through for extraordinary masterpieces by the artist portraying the subject, housed in the Milanese museum, in the Bergamo Accademia Carrara, in the Venice Museo Correr and in the Museo della Città di Rimini.