From September 22, 2011 in the public areas of the CDI – Centro Diagnostico Italiano (Via Saint Bon , 20 – Milan), many youthful ideas on things that care and the care for things. The exhibition “Objectively better. Caring: ideas for a greater well-being” is sponsored by Bracco Foundation in collaboration with Domus Academy and the CDI, and is the second appointment in an organic and ambitious project.
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In occasione del 150° anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia la Fondazione Carlo Erba organizza un convegno per ripercorrere le esperienze di Carlo Erba (1811-1888), di Giovanni Battista Schiapparelli (1795-1863) e di Roberto Giorgio Lepetit (1842-1907): tre formidabili imprenditori/ricercatori che negli anni del Risorgimento, tra guerre e moti insurrezionali, posero le basi dell’industria farmaceutica e chimica italiana.
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italian Unification, the Fondazione Carlo Erba organised a conference to recall the experiences of Carlo Erba (1811-1888), Giovanni Battista Schiapparelli (1795-1863) and Roberto Giorgio Lepetit (1842-1907): three formidable entrepreneurs/researchers who in the years of the Risorgimento, between walls and civil strife, laid the foundations for the Italian pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
Uno straordinario appuntamento quello promosso dall’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in occasione del Natale di Roma. Sul palcoscenico dell’Auditorium Parco della Musica, presenti due grandi protagonisti: il M° Claudio Abbado e la pianista Martha Argerich, da sempre uniti da un’intensa ricerca artistica.
A special appointment was promoted by the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia on the occasion of the Natale di Roma. On the stage of the Parco della Musica auditorium with two great artists: maestro Claudio Abbado and pianist Martha Argerich, who have always been united by an intense artistic research activity.
Fondazione Bracco accompagna in trasferta l’Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala per un concerto straordinario al Rudolphinum di Praga. Il Concerto, di cui la Fondazione è Main Partner, si inserisce nel calendario di una Tournée nazionale e internazionale che porterà l’orchestra su alcuni importanti palcoscenici europei, tra i quali Stoccarda e Linz.
Bracco Foundation took the La Scala Philharmonic Orchestra to Prague for a special concert at the Rudolphinum. The Foundation is the main partner of this event, part of a calendar of national and international tours that will take the orchestra on to some of the most important European stages, including Stuttgart and Linz.
The commitment of Bracco Foundation for the Municipality of Genoa – Culture and Tourism Department – to promote the noble residences of the Genoa Musei di Strada Nuova continues. The project, which makes use of the know-how of Montalbano Technology, was created to ensure adequate preservation of the works of art exposed to environmental agents, using new technologies.
In sintonia con l’impegno a sostenere la ricerca e i giovani ricercatori la Fondazione Bracco ha promosso e realizzato la prima edizione del Premio Cav. Lav. Fulvio Bracco, destinato a giovani Dottori di Ricerca o a Laureati con esperienza post Laurea in strutture di ricerca di area scientifica.
In line with its commitment to support research and young researchers Bracco Foundation has promoted and implemented the first edition of the Cav. Lav. Fulvio Bracco Prize, aimed at young research doctors or graduates with postgraduate experience in scientific research structures.