
More than 12 minutes of applause greet the splendid American performance of the La Scala Academy

An all Italian repertoire to celebrate the Year of Italian Culture in the United States, in the second date of the tour that took, thanks to Bracco Foundation, the La Scala Theatre Academy Orchestra first to Chicago and then to the Strathmore Music Center near Washington.


Spettacolo teatrale “Sebben che siam donne” nel 150° anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia

Lo spettacolo “Sebben che siam donne”, con testo di Magda Poli e regia di Federica Santambrogio, ripercorre la storia dell’emancipazione femminile in Lombardia, proponendo ritratti delle protagoniste di quel periodo: patriote, filantrope, emancipazioniste, partigiane, le donne della ricostruzione e del miracolo economico.


Theatrical show “Sebben che siam donne” for the hundred and 150th anniversary of Italian unification

The show, written by Magda Poli and directed by Federica Santambrogio, traces the story of female emancipation in Lombardy, offering portraits of the protagonists of the period: patria its, philanthropists, emancipationists, partisans, the women of the reconstruction and the economic miracle.