Disegnami.it: Bracco Group’s big competition for small artists
Disegnami.it is a big national prize competition promoted by the Bracco Group for all children up to 14 years of age.
Creativity, fantasy and play: the young competitors are encouraged to do a drawing of one of the minor seasonal upsets (tummy ache, sore throat, earache, fever or coughs), and the first results are surprising: on this site you can already see and vote for more than 1500 small works of art.
There’s time until August 26, 2014 to send in drawings or upload them on the online platform www.disegnami.it, winners will be chosen by online voting.
The desire to extend the competition to as many entrants as possible lay behind Bracco’s collaboration with the Opera San Francesco per i Poveri di Milano, which distributed 500 young artist kits.
In addition, to bring a smile also to children in hospital, Bracco, together with Fondazione ABIO, organised a series of creative workshops in some of the main hospitals in Milan, Bologna and Rome.
Discover the competition and the drawings gallery on www.disegnami.it, you’ll also find the video interview with Philippe Daverio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baHal5WvOew.
Don’t miss the Ospedale San Paolo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g43Y2YJ2zh4&list=PLom4vHFoxrP0044infyL-hj1ltTDFspJx