The First Conference on City Suburbs
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- The First Conference on City Suburbs
The first conference on city suburbs, promoted by Bracco Foundation and the Municipality of Milan in collaboration with Fondazione Cariplo and Sviluppo Chimica, has been held on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 from 9:30 AM to 4 PM at the Centro Congressi Fondazione Cariplo (via Romagnosi 8, Milan).Aim of the conference is to highlight successful experiences on the issue of marginalisation and suburbs in the city of Milan, in dialogue with other national and European experiences, so that a network of public and private social operators can construct a shared vision and a feasible strategy.The first conference on city suburbs, promoted by Bracco Foundation and the Municipality of Milan in collaboration with Fondazione Cariplo and Sviluppo Chimica, has been held on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 from 9:30 AM to 4 PM at the Centro Congressi Fondazione Cariplo (via Romagnosi 8, Milan). Aim of the conference is to highlight successful experiences on the issue of marginalisation and suburbs in the city of Milan, in dialogue with other national and European experiences, so that a network of public and private social operators can construct a shared vision and a feasible strategy.Today an increasing number of companies are aware that part of their success is based on their ability to restore value to local communities. During the conference, Bracco Foundation illustrated the impact of “Beyond the Margins” in Baranzate, developed together with the “La Rotonda” Association. Some experiences of public and private partnerships have been illustrated in detail, including the developing project in Quarto Oggiaro of the Man.Se.F. (Management Senza Frontiere) Association and SC-Sviluppo Chimica SpA which have promoted and formed the "Associazione Quarto C'è" to create dignified and remunerated work. There was also discussion of Lacittàintorno, the Fondazione Cariplo programme for urban regeneration and improvement of the quality of life in the Milan suburbs, which involve the community in reactivating unused spaces and resources and in creating highly innovative cultural projects.The conference included a plenary session to set out the problem. Work continued then in four parallel working tables to analyse and discuss key issues: a. Low environmental impact technologies applied to sustainable development in the suburbs; b. How social finance can meet social needs; c. Shared value and Corporate Social Responsibility to promote development in distressed urban areas; d. Local communities as development activators in urban areas. Conclusions have been illustrated in a plenary system from the early afternoon.At the end of the first conference, the name of the city that will host the second national conference has been announced, to give a sense of continuity to the process begun in Milan and measure its development over time.