Progetto diventerò

Bringing the heavens into the peripheries: STEM workshops in marginal urban zones


04 October 2022

Latest stage of the tour "Italia Brilla – Constellation 2022"

On 30 September, 50 young people drawn from the parish of the Church of Beata Vergine Addolorata in San Siro and from La Piccioletta Barca Cultural Centre took part in the latest stage of the "Italia Brilla-Constellation 2022" tour, which, with the backing of the Bracco Foundation, is being promoted by Il Cielo Itinerante an association for the encouragement of astronomy among young people.


Italia Brilla: Bringing Science to Vulnerable Communities

Giving vulnerable communities access to science. This is the objective of the STEM project "Italia brilla – Costellazione 2022", a countrywide itinerant science project touring places that science rarely reaches. Promoted by Associazione Il Cielo Itinerante, the project is enjoying its second year of support from the Bracco Foundation.