Photographic exhibition “Straordinarie. Protagoniste del presente”
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- Photographic exhibition “Straordinarie. Protagoniste del presente”
The photographic exhibition "Straordinarie. Protagoniste del presente" (13 September - 6 October 2023 | MAXXI Museum, Rome) presents more than one hundred portraits and voices of Italian women testify how they assert themselves and realise their ambitions despite and beyond prejudice and discrimination.
The project, curated by Renata Ferri and supported by Bracco Foundation, is presented in the context of the InDifesa campaign that Terre des Hommes has been carrying out for 12 years now to protect the rights of girls and young women in Italy and around the world through concrete projects in the field, but also awareness-raising initiatives such as Straordinarie, to address institutions and the general public and support a culture of respect and inclusion against all prejudice and gender discrimination.
Ilaria Magliocchetti Lombi‘s photographic exhibition wants to celebrate these women, included our President Diana Bracco, who, with their skills, creativity and ingenuity, are the true protagonists of the present, and wants to offer their testimony to girls, protagonists of the future, to make them more aware of their rights and inspire them to cultivate their talents and realise their dreams.