Physics Olympics 2023 to be held in Italy

Fondazione Bracco is lending its support to the 2023 Olimpiadi di Fisica [Physics Olympics], which will be held in Italy for the first time on the campus of Università Statale di Milano from 12 to 16 May 2023. The event has been organized by Associazione Italiana Studenti di Fisica [the Italian Physics Students Association (AISF)], whose object is the formation of community for the dissemination of this discipline.

100women sports experts

100 donne contro gli stereotipi (“100 women against stereotypes”) is a project for giving voice and visibility to women experts in their field. In partnership with Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, the project has expanded its scope into the world of women in sport and, on 5 May last at the Allianz auditorium, organizers presented “#100esperte per lo sport,” a list of 100 women experts in sports and related fields.

Loving Science, Nature and Peace like Marie and Pierre Curie

On 14 February, a few days after the International Day of Girls and Women in Science (11 February),  Palazzo Reale became the venue for  ”Loving science, nature and peace like Marie and Pierre Curie,”  an event with two extraordinary French guests: the physicist Hélène Langevin-Joliot and the planetologist Yves Langevin, who are,  respectively,  the grandson and great-grandson of Marie and Pierre Curie.

“Bracco Foundation Meets 2023” cycle – Free travels in classical music

In 2023, Fondazione Bracco will be continuing to sponsor, in collaboration with Accademia Teatro alla Scala, a series of lectures on classical music. The lecturer is Fabio Sartorelli, musician and professor of History of Music at Conservatorio “G. Verdi” in Milan, who also teaches a “Guide to Listening” course at Accademia Teatro alla Scala.

The 4th Edition of the Call “Ora di scienza!”, inclusive education project

After the success of the first three calls for projects  for the promotion of  inclusive education, Fondazione  Bracco has launched a fourth call as part of its “Ora di scienza!” programme, the aim of which is to engender  enthusiasm for science  subjects   in schools by arranging talks with women scientists and purtting forward ideas about possible new teaching methods and lessons, specifically: