Fourth National Conference on city suburbs

On Friday 6 October 2023, the fourth edition of the National Conference on city suburbs “Ten, a Hundred, a Thousand Centres” will be held simultaneously in the towns of Bergamo and Brescia. The conference has established itself as an important occasion for discussing how the development of peripheral urban areas can power the growth of the cities to which they are attached.

Photographic exhibition “Straordinarie. Protagoniste del presente”

The photographic exhibition “Straordinarie. Protagoniste del presente” (13 September – 6 October 2023 | MAXXI Museum, Rome) presents more than one hundred portraits and voices of Italian women testify how they assert themselves and realise their ambitions despite and beyond prejudice and discrimination.

Ritratte. Donne di arte e di scienza [Portrayed. Women of Art and Science]

Fondazione Bracco is supporting an exhibition (free admission) in Rome from 13 July to 10 September 2023 at the Carlo Bilotti Museum with the title Ritratte. Donne di arte e di scienza (Portrayed. Women of Art and Science). The exhibition celebrates the faces, careers and talents of Italian women who have become leading lights in the worlds of science and culture. Promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Culture and the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali [the Office for the Preservation and Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Rome],  it is curated by the Foundation, Arthemisia and Zetema Progetto Cultura, a museum services company owned by the city council.