
Mostra “Leoni e Tori dall’antica Persia ad Aquileia”

Inaugura il 24 giugno la grande mostra “Leoni e Tori dall’antica Persia ad Aquileia”, aperta al pubblico fino al 30 settembre 2016 al Museo Nazionale Archeologico di Aquileia, realizzata dalla Fondazione Aquileia in collaborazione con il Polo Museale del Friuli Venezia Giulia, il National Museum of Iran, l’Iranian Cultural Heritage Handcrafts and Tourism Organization e sostenuta da Fondazione Bracco.


Bracco Foundation meets 2016 cycle – voyages in liberty through classical music

In 2016 the Bracco Foundation in collaboration with the La Scala Theatre Academy organised a cycle of four encounters dedicated to classical music and conducted by M° Fabio Sartorelli, lecturer in the history of music at the Como “G. Verdi” Conservatory and a lecturer in guided listening at the Milan La Scala Theatre Academy.


“Welfare what a business!” competition for social start-ups

Bracco Foundation with Fondazione Italiana Accenture and UBI Banca, with the scientific contribution of Aiccon and the Milan Polytechnic – Tiresia, have promoted the “Welfare what a business!” Ideas competition to reward and support the best community welfare projects that will be incubated by PoliHub and Campus GOEL.


“Welfare what a business!” competition for social start-ups – 2017 – II edition

Bracco Foundation with Fondazione Italiana Accenture, Fondazione Golinelli and UBI Banca, with the scientific contribution of Aiccon and the Milan Polytechnic – Tiresia, have promoted the “Welfare what a business!” Ideas competition to reward and support the best community welfare projects that will be incubated by PoliHub, SocialFare and Campania New Steel.