
Second edition of the Start To Be Circular competition dedicated to circular economy

For World Environment Day, Bracco Foundation is launching the second edition of the Start To Be Circular competition dedicated to circular economy and to entrepreneurial young people. Keywords: sustainability, reuse and innovation. Its goal: to promote the transition towards sustainable growth through entrepreneurial initiatives that have an impact on important stages of the economic-productive cycle.


Bracco Foundation Meets cycle 2017 – Travels in freedom in classical music

In 2017 Bracco Foundation continues the cycle of meetings in collaboration with La Scala Theatre Academy dedicated to classical music. The three encounters were conducted by Maestro Fabio Sartorelli, lecturer in the history of music at the “G. Verdi” Conservatory in Como and lecturer in guide to listening at the La Scala Theatre Academy in Milan.


Women and science: “A week as a woman scientist “

Women make up just 34% of researchers in Italy according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD ). The percentage is very low, but it is rising. The Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO) is guiding the “Week as a woman scientist ”, created in 2016 by the Bracco Foundation in collaboration with Centro Università degli Studi di Milano (CusMiBio). The initiative, which is aimed at girls in their fourth year of secondary school or technical college, revolves around the six points set out in the #Forwomeninscience manifesto.


100 women against stereotypes: an instrument for allowing experts to speak, starting from science

Several research studies on women in the news media show that women are rarely called in as experts. Those who explain and interpret the world are almost always men: in 76% of cases, according to national research by the Global Media Monitoring Project 2020.


Project for the digitisation of the historical archive Snia Viscosa in Friuli

Torviscosa is an example of positive osmosis between industry, the local area and the environment, where 14 years ago the Bracco Group recovered a part of the historic industrial site of SNIA Viscosa dating back to the 1930s in order to house SPIN, one of its most technologically sophisticated production facilities.


First edition of the call for start-ups involved in the circular economy

The Bracco Foundation, in collaboration with Positive Economy Forum San Patrignano, the incubator Speed MI Up and the investment fund Oltre Venture, launches the first edition of the call for start-ups involved in the circular economy with the aim of promoting the transition towards a circular economy in favour of sustainable growth through innovative business ventures, encouraging entrepreneurship among young people and spreading the positive values of the economy.


Mostra Mito e Natura. Dalla Grecia a Pompei

Oltre 200 opere greche, magnogreche e romane: la rappresentazione della natura, l’azione dell’uomo sulla realtà naturale e sull’ambiente. Fondazione Bracco è partner dei promotori della mostra “Mito e Natura. Dalla Grecia a Pompei” (31 luglio 2015 – 10 gennaio 2016, Palazzo Reale di Milano), realizzata da Comune di Milano, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Museo Archeologico di Napoli e Soprintendenza Speciale per Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia.