Italienforum for the spread of Italian language and culture in Germany
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- Italienforum for the spread of Italian language and culture in Germany
2017 - 2019
As part of progettoDiventerò, Bracco Foundation began, in 2017, collaboration with the University of Konstanz in the Federal German Republic to spread knowledge of the Italian language and culture among university and secondary school students in the area bounded by the cities of Konstanz, Singen and Rudolfszell where the largest overseas production site of Bracco is housed.
The project took concrete form in action targeting the secondary schools of the territory that teach Italian, with three prizes for the best students of the school year 2017/18 consisting of a course of Italian language and culture in Florence in July; the organisation, in collaboration with the Department of Romance Languages and literature of the University of Konstanz, the "Italientag" seminar in the autumn on Italian language and culture and certain activities throughout the territory, such as theatre and cinema.