Bracco Foundation is continuing also in 2018 with its cycle of exhibitions at CDI – Centro Diagnostico Italiano. This year the photographic exhibition, to be held from July 2nd to October 31st, entitled “Wasteland.The Garbage Patch State”, an artistic project created by architect and designer Maria Cristina Finucci, to make the general public aware of one of the most serious environmental emergencies of our time, plastic pollution in the seas.Wasteland. The Garbage Patch State is an artistic work that includes series of real interventions carried out in different places and at different times, suggesting the existence of a Nation State, invented by the artist. The aim of the work is to communicate existence of plastic clusters called Garbage Patch, quick despite being an extremely damaging for the ecosystem is still too little known.The Garbage Patch State is “a nation composed of objects belonged to us. We built it in sixty years and we have been able to form a conglomerated of 16 million square kilometers made up of five great islands, and today, as we can no longer hide this reality from ourselves, we recognize it as a Federal State.” (Recognition of the Federal State, 2013 April 11th, Unesco, Paris).After the foundation of the federal state in 2013 in Paris at the headquarters of UNESCO, the artist Finucci went on her awareness-raising work, creating enormous installations made of plastic in several cities. Among the ten interventions, in addition to the inaugural one in Paris, in New York in 2014 the work was exposed in the Headquarters of the United Nations and the most recent installation in 2018 in Rome, with "HELP the ocean" at the Fori Imperiali.Bracco Foundation supported “Wasteland. The Garbage Patch State” with various interventions over the years, sharing the artist’s attention to environment and to sustainability, themes dear to the Bracco Group. The Foundation, after commissioning the work “Vortice” in 2015 for the Universal Exhibition in Milan, is now supporting the artist with “HELP the Ocean”, an installation in Rome, in the Basilica Giulia at the Foro Romano, from June 8th to July 29th 2018. To a theme so crucial for the future of all, Bracco Foundation decided to host a photographic exhibition in Milan, in the headquarters of the Centro Diagnostico Italiano, as part of the exhibition cycle started in 2010 in collaboration with the CDI, in the conviction, supported by scientific evidence, that art and culture exhibition contributes to the overall improvement of the quality of life.