Bracco Foundation and the 2020 – 2021 season of the journey through classical music
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- Bracco Foundation and the 2020 – 2021 season of the journey through classical music
2020 - 2021
In 2020- 2021, Fondazione Bracco will be continuing to sponsor, in collaboration with Accademia alla Scala, a series of lessons on classical music by Maestro Fabio Sartorelli. The new series of talks, which go out in streaming and are aimed at a young audience of enthusiasts and amateurs, consider the origins, evolution and representation of timelessly great female characters in Opera and Ballet.
The lectures are intended to draw a non-specialist audience closer to the world of classical music by celebrating its universal relevance, while also surprising those more familiar with the genre with an original and multifaceted approach.
- Mi si sono aggrovigliate le budella: (‘My heart in my mouth’) La Traviata (17 December 2020) - watch lesson
- Tatiana e Onegin: una storia romantica? (Tatiana and Onegin: a romantic story?) (3 March 2021) - watch lesson
- La fanciulla del West by Giacomo Puccini - Available from April 2021 - watch lesson
- As part of Fondazione Bracco’s “a casa con te” (‘at home with you’) programme of events, Maestro Sartorelli delivered an additional special lecture on the linguistic canon of opera librettos (available from 30 June 2020) - watch lesson.
Fabio Sartorelli, musician, is professor of the History of Music at the G. Verdi Conservatory of Milan, and teaches a Guide to Listening course at Accademia Teatro alla Scala.
The talk is part of the "The talents of women" programme of events being promoted by the City of Milan - Culture, with support from the Bracco Foundation.