ProgettoDiventerò [Project ‘I will become’] extends its scope to include Italian schools abroad

The Bracco Foundation and Department 5 of the Directorate General of Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation have joined forces to promote “progettoDiverterò nel Mondo”, the international edition of progettoDiventerò.

“Women in STEM”: A project to nurture the participation of women in the sciences.

Confindustria’s Fondazione Giuseppina Mai, in collaboration with the Bracco Foundation and Assolombarda’s Steamiamoci project, is promoting female participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) studies by offering concrete opportunities for advancement to talented female students.
The aim is to reduce the high rate of early drop-outs among women in science subjects and encourage them to complete their studies.

Photographic exhibition “Colpo di scena. Dalla A di attrezzista alla S di scultrice”

From 30 January to 30 June 2024, Centro Diagnostico Italiano is hosting at its premises at No. 20 Via Saint Bon in Milan) a photographic exhibition titled “Colpo di scena. Dalla A di attrezzista alla S di scultrice” (‘Plot Twist: From A for Artisan toolmaker to S for sculptress’) (free entry) created and promoted by the Bracco Foundation in collaboration with Accademia Teatro alla Scala.