
“Women in STEM”: A project to nurture the participation of women in the sciences.
Confindustria's Fondazione Giuseppina Mai, in collaboration with the Bracco Foundation and Assolombarda's Steamiamoci project, is promoting female participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) studies by offering concrete opportunities for advancement to talented female students.
The aim is to reduce the high rate of early drop-outs among women in science subjects and encourage them to complete their studies.
“Giacomo Bonaiuti” Chemistry Scholarship
Applications for the "Ing. Giacomo Bonaiuti" scholarship prize are open to students enrolled in a university in Lombardy in a faculty of Chemistry or a related department, such as Industrial Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technologies, Chemical Engineering, or Chemical Sciences and Technologies.
Conservatorio di Milano prize sponsored by the Bracco Foundation
Every year the G. Verdi Conservatorio di Musica of Milan organizes the “Premio del Conservatorio," a prize competition for its enrolled students.
33rd Edition of the Ettore Pozzoli International Piano Competition
The Bracco Foundation is once again supporting the Ettore Pozzoli International Piano Competition, now in its 33rd edition. Instituted in 1959, the competition is being hosted in Seregno (Monza-Brianza), the native town of the illustrious Italian composer after whom the event is named.
Physics Olympics 2023 to be held in Italy
Fondazione Bracco is lending its support to the 2023 Olimpiadi di Fisica [Physics Olympics], which will be held in Italy for the first time on the campus of Università Statale di Milano from 12 to 16 May 2023. The event has been organized by Associazione Italiana Studenti di Fisica [the Italian Physics Students Association (AISF)], whose object is the formation of community for the dissemination of this discipline.
Winners of the Bracco Imaging scholarships provided by the Bracco Foundation and six municipalities in the Region of Lombardy
The 11 scholarships for 2021 - 2022 provided by the Bracco Foundation in collaboration with Bracco Imaging went to university students from the towns of Bovisio Masciago, Ceriano Laghetto, Cesano Maderno, Cogliate, Limbiate and Solaro.
Fondazione Bracco supporting the 33rd “Ettore Pozzoli” International Piano Competition
Fondazione Bracco is supporting the 33rd edition of the Ettore Pozzoli International Piano Competition, instituted in 1959 to commemorate the Italian composer Ettore Pozzoli in his hometown of Seregno (Monza-Brianza).
Fondazione Bracco supporting students at Accademia di Musica Pinerolo
Fondazione Bracco is providing bursaries for the years 2019-2021 to young musicians training at Accademia di Musica Pinerolo.
Joint program with the Mexican Society of Radiology and the Mexican Federation of Radiology
To support the training of young foreign radiologists, after China and Brazil, Bracco Foundation in 2019 starts an important partnership with the Mexican Society of Radiology and the Federation
Mexican of Radiology.
Scholarships for refugees at Pavia University
Five scholarships to allow young refugees attend degree courses in Pavia University, thanks to a project supported by Bracco Foundation.