The winners of the fourth “Ora di scienza!” [Science hour!] call for projects
Bracco Foundation presents the winners of the fourth edition of the " Ora di scienza!” [Science hour!] call for inclusive education projects to promote scientific skills and optimize science education in the secondary schools of Lombardy.
Region of Lombardy
“Piccole Ricercatrici” (‘Science girls’)
Project carried out by the students of classes 1 D, 2 E and 3 C of the Sant'Andrea High School of Biassono (Monza-Brianza)-
Teachers: Yuri Bonatti, Fabio Mosca, Aurora Coatti, Barbara Porro
Why it won: The teachers and students made a video that comprehensively and creatively addresses the theme of environmental sustainability and the role that science can play now and in the future. The importance and significance of the project lies also in the fact that it saw the active involvement of 55 students.
>> Watch the video
Region of Lombardy
“Northern Lights”
Project carried out by Class 3 DL of “Crespi” High School of Busto Arsizio (Varese)
Teacher: Valeria Mariani
Why it won: This inventive and entertaining project takes the form of a TV quiz show with questions on the origin of physical phenomena that the students have experimented with in the laboratory.
>> View the project
Region of Latium
“The role of women from years past to today’s modern society”
Project carried out by Class 2 H of the “De Fillis” High School of Terni
Teacher: Francesca Strozzini
Why it won: The project won plaudits for the original way in which it dealt with its theme, and for the teamwork that went into its making.
>> Watch the video
Special mentions
The judging panel also made special mention of five other schools, which were recognized for their effort and the quality of the content they produced. The schools that received special mention were:
- “Loi” Middle-High School in Mediglia Milan, whose Class 3, under the direction of their teacher, Daniela Mastellone, created an original project in the form of a podcast discussing the importance of women scientists over the years.
- “E. Fermi” Technical School in Mantua, whose Class 2 CIN, under the direction of their teacher, Giulia Vighi, created a project called “Double Interview, ” in which two scientists engage in a creative dialogue on current themes.
- “Marconi” High School of Milan, whose Class 4, under the direction of their teacher Paola Tropia, produced a project on “Women in Science.”
- Liceo Scienze Umane IIS Pontecorvo - a mixed academic/vocational high school in Pontecorvo (Frosinone) - whose Class 3B, under the direction of their teacher, Lavinia Bisceglie, presented a project called “Dialogue with Rosalind Franklin,” for laboratory work dealing with a topical issue.
- “De Fillis” Middle-High School of Terni whose Class 2 H under the direction of their teacher Francesca Strozzini, produced a highly original project consisting of a cartoon called “A cinque piani dal futuro.”
This fourth edition of the competition saw the participation of around 700 students from 40 classes in 20 schools in the Regions of Lombardy and Latium, thanks to which it achieved its objectives, which were: to stimulate discussions on the importance of STEM subjects and make the most of science studies; to encourage collaborative teaching; to recognize the value of the innovative teaching methods used by the participating schools, and thus enhance the quality of the local system of secondary education.
The panel of judges, made up of representatives of Fondazione Bracco and the Territorial Education Offices of Lombardy and Latium, commended the hard work put in by the participating students and teachers, whose projects are part of the "Bracco per la scuola” [Bracco for school] initiative.