On Tuesday, September 25 at 11:30 AM in Milan, in the Palazzo Visconti Teatrino, was the preview presentation to the Milanese press and public of a collaborative project between Bracco Foundation, the municipality of Cremona and the Violin Museum.
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Bracco Foundation in collaboration with Fondazione Sodalitas is launching a research project into corporate foundations carried out by Percorsi di secondo welfare. Corporate foundations have grown 10% in the past 10 years, they invest in research into labour and support to young people and have not been studied since 2009.
Thursday 28th September 2017 at Palazzo Reale in Milan, a press conference was held to present the “Inside Caravaggio” exhibition, which Bracco Group partners. The exhibition opened to the public on 29th September 2017 and will run until 28th January 2018.
Ladies, prints and extravagances” exhibition (May 31 – October 30, 2017) is the result of a school-work alternation Project involving the Umberto Boccioni artistic high school, the Poldi Pezzoli Museum and Bracco Foundation, which fits perfectly with the mission of the foundation of favouring, through progettoDiventerò, young talents and their entry into employment through highly diversified support initiatives.
The photographic exhibition “Wasteland. The Garbage Patch State”, promoted by Bracco Foundation and CDI – Centro Diagnostico Italiano, talks about the artistic intervention of Maria Cristina Finucci through series of art installations made of plastic caps, to make people aware of the pollution in the seas. The exhibition is from July 2nd to 2018 October 31st in Milan, at CDI – Centro Diagnostico Italiano (via Saint Bon, 20).

The Bracco Foundation along with Spin and the City Council of Torviscosa presented in 2016 the vast project of iconographic archive digitisation of the SNIA Viscosa.
Diana Bracco, presidente della Fondazione Bracco, sottolinea l’importanza di un modello un cui business e ambiente possano convivere, facendo in modo che la crescita non sia più nemica o alternativa alla salvaguardia del pianeta. Scarica sotto il bando!

Behind the project, are the people. In this column we recount the stories of the leading players of#oltreimargini: the tailors of Fiori all’occhiello, the volunteers of the parish of Sant’Arialdo, the residents of the Gorizia quarter in Baranzate.

Here are the names of the winners of the 5° prizes offered by Bracco Foundation, with the collaboration of FENAGIFAR and the Federazione Ordini Farmacisti Italiani, on the 80th anniversary of the discovery of vitamin C.

From March 18-20, 2016 FWA – Fondazione Welfare Ambrosiano is taking part in Do the right thing! at the Fiera Milano City Pavilion 3, to present its initiatives aimed at Milanese citizens and workers to promote a model of subsidiary and innovative welfare.