Bracco Foundation is taking part in the global digital project A Brief History of Vaccination, promoted by Google Art and Culture for World Immunization Week 2022 (24 – 30 April 2022), which aims to build awareness of the role of vaccines in combatting potentially deadly diseases, of the importance of science and of the contribution of communities in overcoming pandemics.
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Giving vulnerable communities access to science. This is the objective of the STEM project “Italia brilla – Costellazione 2022”, a countrywide itinerant science project touring places that science rarely reaches. Promoted by Associazione Il Cielo Itinerante, the project is enjoying its second year of support from the Bracco Foundation.
The scholarship award ceremony for the ten winners of the “Women in STEM” project took place on Tuesday 29 March 2022. Brainchild of Fondazione Giuseppina Mai of Confindustria and the Bracco Foundation, the scholarships receive support from the Government of Quebec, Assolombarda and the “STEAMiamoci” project.
On February 12, 2022 the exhibition “A life as a scientist”, realized by Bracco Foundation to highlight female expertise in sectors still perceived as male dominated, inaugurates in Mexico City at the Italian Cultural Institute, in partnership with Italian Embassy.
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, February 11, 2022, Bracco Foundation and Aspen Institute Italia will promote the International Conference “Min the STEM Gap” at Expo 2020 Dubai.
The event will be the occasion to reward the projects financed through the DIGITA.R.SI call, an initiative set up by Fondazione Cariplo, with Fondazione Politecnico di Milano as performance partner. The objective of the project is to update technical schools by introducing innovation to teaching in a logic that reflects the principles of Industry 4.0.
Bracco Foundation in 2021 offered the entire Diventerò community, made up of winners chosen over time in the project opportunities offered by the Foundation, the chance to take part in the national Call “Beyond Borders: Knowing unites people”.
Bracco Foundation, Gold Sponsor of the Italy Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai and Founding Partner of the La Scala Academy, is supporting the concert of the soloists and orchestra of the La Scala Theatre Academy conducted by Donato Renzetti on the Italian National Day, November 24, 2021, in front of Italian and foreign institutional authorities.
AIRI’s Industrial Innovation Day 2021 included the conferral of Renato Ugo prize scholarships to talented students of STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
The European Night of Researchers saw the final encounter of the Special Initiative on Women’s Empowerment (SIWE) promoted by the B20 and presided by Diana Bracco. Here was launched the Fondazione Bracco “Mind the STEM Gap” Manifesto, aimed at supporting female access to science, overcoming gender stereotypes.