The “Mind the STEM Gap – Together” exhibition offers a gallery of eclectic, provocative, colourful and original posters on the theme of gender equality in the sciences. The authors of the works are 150 students from high schools in Lombardy.
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As part of the 33rd edition of the Ettore Pozzoli International Piano Competition, the Bracco Foundation’s “Diventerò” prize was awarded to the young pianist, Antonio Alessandri.
Contributing to the activities contemplated by the Pavia Capital of Business Culture project, the Bracco Foundation has joined forces with Assolombarda for the Steamiamoci project that includes a photography show titled “Life as a Scientist” (running from 22 September to 30 November 2023 at the Collegio Santa Caterina da Siena).
The “Mind the STEM Gap – Together” exhibition goes on tour and online. Take your own tour here!
The winner of the 7th Edition of “Welfare che Impresa!” is thefaculty, which received a grant of 40,000 euros from Fondazione Italiana Accenture and the Bracco Foundation.
As part of the exhibition “Ritratte” (“Portrayed. Women of Art and Science”), a meeting dedicated to the use of art as therapy was held at the Carlo Bilotti Museum in Rome on 7 September 2023 in collaboration with Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS – Gemelli ART.

“Ritratte. Donne di arte e di scienza [Portraits of Women of Art and Science] is the title of the exhibition taking place on 13 July – 10 September 2023 at Museo Carlo Bilotti in Rome (free admission). The exhibition consists of 40 works by the photographer Gerald Bruneau of an all-female cast of scientists and museum directors.
On Thursday 22 June 2023, Fondazione Bracco presented the results of “progettoDiventerò” (the ‘I will become ‘project), a multidisciplinary programme launched in 2012

Bracco Foundation presents the winners of the fourth edition of the “ Ora di scienza!” [Science hour!] call for inclusive education projects to promote scientific skills and optimize science education in the secondary schools of Lombardy.
For the first time in Italy an orientation event is being held in a stadium, namely the “Benito Stirpe” stadium of Frosinone, for a general celebration of the European Year of Skills. The event, promoted by Confindustria and supported by Fondazione Bracco, takes place on Wednesday 17 May 2023 and involves 4,000 students.