On Tuesday 23 April starting at 6.30pm, the Bracco Foundation’s YouTube channel will stream the meeting “Piero della Francesca’s Augustinian polyptych and the secrets revealed by scientific analysis”.
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On Saturday 6 April, at 8.30 pm in Sala Puccini, a hall in the Conservatorio Verdi [Verdi Conservatory] of Milan, pianist Antonio Alessandri will be giving a recital. Alessandri, who has just turned eighteen, is the winner of the “Diventerò” special prize that the Bracco Foundation awards to exceptional young talents. He received his prize in October 2023 at the 33rd edition of the Ettore Pozzoli Piano Competition, in which he was the youngest finalist.
On Tuesday 19 March 2024, a press conference was held on the eve of the opening of the exhibition, “Piero della Francesca. The Augustinian Polyptych reunited,” at the Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan.
The Bracco Foundation and Centro Diagnostico Italiano (CDI), in partnership with Accademia Teatro alla Scala, are sponsoring an event that, under the title “Colpo di Scena – Storie di professioniste che mai avreste immaginato” (‘Plot twist: Stories that you could never have imagined from women professionals’) explores the presence and the standing of women in the workforce.
As part of the Diventrò project, the Bracco Foundation is sponsoring training courses in Italy for young foreign radiologists, who will thus enjoy the opportunity of working with Italy’s excellent healthcare facilities.
Audiovisual Napoli Hub is the name of the Naples-based project presented on Saturday 24 February 2024 at the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II.
Is science inclusive? What are the challenges of the future? How does a girl become a scientist? On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a group of brilliant women researchers shared their stories with young people at an event set up by the Bracco Foundation and Politecnico di Milano for the promotion equal access to STEM.
Coinciding with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the exhibition “Portraits of Women of art and science” curated by the Bracco Foundation goes on public display at Luiss University in Rome on 15 February 2024.
Fondazione Mai is promoting a “Women in STEM” event at the headquarters of Assolombarda (Via Pantano 9, Milan). The event takes place on Wednesday 7 February 2024 from 11 a.m.
In the following pages you will find a bird’s eye view of the Bracco Foundation’s activities in 2022.