Bracco Foundation celebrates International Women’s Day with the festival dedicated to taste, melodies and wellness, with a thematic and interdisciplinary approach designed to discover the beneficial properties of wine.

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Bracco Foundation celebrates International Women’s Day with the festival dedicated to taste, melodies and wellness, with a thematic and interdisciplinary approach designed to discover the beneficial properties of wine.
Bracco Foundation announced at a press conference on December 16, 2011 at 12:00 in Milan, at the headquarters of the Academy School of Ballet, a three-year collaboration with Teatro alla Scala Academy, of which it became main and founding partner to promote the Italian culture in the world, and at the same time, to offer young people the opportunity to develop their talents.
In the cycle “Bracco Foundation Meets”, the second appointment sees as protagonist Prof Alberto Quadrio Curzio, the noted Italian economist, who offers reflections on causes and possible developments of the current economic situation.
From the developments on the frontiers of contemporary science to a credible image of the world in 2062, the year when Halley’s Comet will make its next appearance.
The fourth round in the “Bracco Foundation Meets” cycle of conversations tackles one of the most topical and lively subjects of international debate: the future of the euro.
A tribute to the painter Angiolo D’Andrea, with theater, literature and music: on the evening of January 31 at Palazzo Morando at 19.00, to the notes of a harp and following the subtle suggestions of the works of Angiolo D’Andrea projected in the room, Massimiliano Finazzer Flory interpreted some of the finest literature.
As part of the 12th Confindustria Corporate Culture Week, Bracco Foundation is promoting and organising a conference on the tax treatment of foundations, a subject of particular importance in the present scenario.
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italian Unification, the Fondazione Carlo Erba organised a conference to recall the experiences of Carlo Erba (1811-1888), Giovanni Battista Schiapparelli (1795-1863) and Roberto Giorgio Lepetit (1842-1907): three formidable entrepreneurs/researchers who in the years of the Risorgimento, between walls and civil strife, laid the foundations for the Italian pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
Opening On November 2012 at Palazzo Morando, Milan, was the first exhibition dedicated to the artist Angiolo D’Andrea, a painter, graphic artist and engraver, who lived in Milan during his most productive period, leaving to the city masterpieces that have become part of its heritage.
The show, written by Magda Poli and directed by Federica Santambrogio, traces the story of female emancipation in Lombardy, offering portraits of the protagonists of the period: patria its, philanthropists, emancipationists, partisans, the women of the reconstruction and the economic miracle.