The winners of the fifth “Ora di scienza!” [Science Hour!] call for projects

The Bracco Foundation presents the winners of the fifth Ora di scienza! call for projects, an inclusive science teaching project that benefits the local school system. This year's recipients were rewarded for projects relevant to the three educational pathways proposed in the call for projects.

The winners of the AmbientiAMO environmental project are:

“The Venice lagoon: A marvel worth protecting”
Project done by Class 1E of Galilei Gambarare Middle School of Mira (Venice) Teacher: Chiara Brugnerotto
Desired outcome: An escape-room game. In addition to celebrating the special properties of the lagoon, this creative, original and highly informative game-based initiative demonstrates the quality of the lab work done by the students. For anyone interested in learning about the lagoon.
>> View project

"AmbientiAMO "
Project done by Class 4C of G. Torno secondary school of Castano Primo (Milan). Teacher: Chiara Chiodini
Desired outcome: Through a detailed analysis of the territory that references the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, the students demonstrate their awareness of the importance of environmental protection and of how science can contribute to habitat improvement.

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Special mentions to:
• The 15 nursery-school age children of La Giraffa - XIV Istituto Comprensivo Galilei of Padua for their project "L'albero" (the Tree) produced under the supervision of their teacher Chiara Perin
• Classes 4 and 5 of Don Carlo Frigo Cogollo elementary school in Cengio (Vicenza) for their project "Un bell'ambiente inizia da te" (‘A Beautiful Environment Starts with You’) and their teacher, Vania Lorenzi
• The "Ambientiamo" (Let's Make the Environment Better) project participants of Class 5E of the Tito Lucrezio Caro 4 secondary school of Rome and their supervising teacher, Claudia De Gasperi

The winners of the Mind the STEM Gap project competition are:
“Test your ability with our escape rooms"
Project done by Class 3B of the Emanuela Loi Comprehensive Institute of Mediglia (Milan). Teachers: Veneranda Acquafredda and Maria Bonomini
Desired outcome: To build two inventive and fun games for young people and adults alike for the purposes of entertainment, learning and information sharing.
>>Gender Stereotypes Escape Room
>>Hidden Revolution. Women of Science

"Women of Science"
Project done by Classes 3A, 3C and 3E of “G. Carducci” secondary school of Cassino (Frosinone)
Teachers: Carbone Giovanna, Lucia Pirollo and Florinda D'Aguanno
Desired outcome: The originality of the work lies in its clear focus on women scientists of the past and present, as well as on girls preparing to pursue a future in the sciences. A simple yet creative project, it delivers an important message to young people.
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Special mentions to:
• Class 3D of Tito Lucrezio Caro secondary school in Rome for the podcast "Let's break the gap: Viola's podcast," produced under the aegis of their teacher, Claudia De Gasperi.
• Class 3H of De Filis comprehensive school for "Gender equality through advertising,” a project done with their teacher, Francesca Strozzini.

The winning projects in the Science of the Future competition are:

"The impact and application of radiation"
Project done by Class 3A II of Liceo XXV Aprile in Portogruaro (Venice)
Teacher: Ester Bandiziol
Desired outcome: Creative and effective, the paper explores the wide range of uses to which X-rays can be put, from the world of nutrition to medical diagnostics. It also highlights the importance of prevention
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"Hydroponic greenhouse"
Project done by Class 4 BPT class of Sereni Agricultural Institute of Rome
Teacher: Roberta Quirici
Desired outcome: Preparation of young people for the technologies that will be most useful for the planet; imparting a passion for finding solutions that favour sustainability. Thanks to its straightforward presentation style, this useful piece is easy to understand even for non-experts.
>> View project

The fifth edition saw the participation of approximately 1,730 students from 87 classes in 52 schools in the regions of the Abruzzi, Emilia Romagna, Latium, Lombardy, Piedmont, Sicily and the Veneto. The project achieved the desired outcomes of: encouraging students to consider the importance of STEM subjects and to appreciate the value of research; promoting collaborative teaching; making profitable use of local school systems that have successfully deployed innovative teaching methods.
The committee appreciated the depth of commitment of the students and teachers in electing to take part in a "Bracco for school" project. The works produced by al the classes are testament to the teachers’ commitment to the principle of collaborative learning.