12th Award Ceremony of progettoDiventerò

On Sunday 16 June 2024, at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, the Bracco Foundation presents the awards at the 12th prize-giving ceremony of progettoDiventerò (a multidisciplinary training project).

Launched in 2012, the project has helped thousands of deserving young people further their education by offering them scholarships and access to professional training courses, and by providing orientation workshops in secondary schools, where it focuses on giving disadvantaged children access to quality education and on encouraging girls to study STEM subjects.


In 2024, 398 young people have received prizes, grants or places on a training course, and have thus joined a Bracco Foundation community that is made up of people like themselves and rests on lasting relationships that transcend the purely individual.

The ceremony is an opportunity not just to meet and give back, but also to raise awareness of the themes and values that the Bracco Foundation promotes through its activities. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations provide the thematic underpinning of the project, which sees education as an indispensable good for the young generations as they face the challenge of achieving global progress and reducing inequalities in an increasingly interconnected society.The evening’s talks will therefore mainly concern four SDGs, namely: access to education; gender equality; the right to health; and environmental protection. These themes are explored by experts and by progettoDiventerò participants themselves. They are also embedded in a game in which the young winners have the opportunity to explore and discuss them among themselves, thereby getting to know each other better and strengthening the Diventerò community.

The evening ends with an institutional concert, in which the soloists of the Academy of opera singers of the Teatro alla Scala and the Orchestra of the Accademia del Teatro alla Scala, of which the Bracco Foundation is a Founding Member, perform some pieces from the great works of Giuseppe Verdi, Gaetano Donizetti and Giacomo Puccini.

Read the event programme