New degree award inspired by positive economy announced during the press conference presenting LH Forum San Patrignano

The new award dedicated to the social impact of youth projects was announced today at the press conference presenting LH Forum San Patrignano – Movement for Positive Economy,

All the winners of the Bracco Imaging 2013 scholarships

Here are the winners of the scholarships offered by progettoDiventeròBracco Foundation for the young in collaboration with Bracco Imaging SpA and the municipal Administrations of Cesano Maderno, Ceriano Laghetto, Bovisio Masciago, Cogliate and Solaro for deserving university students!

Here are the winners of the 2012 Bracco imaging scholarships

There are nine winners of the scholarships promoted by Bracco Foundation and Bracco Imaging for 2012. They were selected by a Commission made up of representatives of the five Municipalities involved (Cesano Maderno, Ceriano Laghetto, Bovisio Masciago, Cogliate and Solaro), and delegates of Bracco Foundation and Bracco Imaging.

Presenting Vanessa, young winner of the Linda Cena prize at the Quirinale

It was a day to remember for Vanessa Speziale, the young and talented girl from Morbegno who won with her thesis entitled “A virtual exhibition for the Paolo Monti Archive” the Linda Cena Prize, promoted by Bracco Foundation and part of the extensive programme of the Comitato Leonardo Qualità Italia.