Second edition of “Women in STEM” scholarships

The second of the "Women in STEM" call for projects of the Confindustria-affiliated Giuseppina Mai Foundation which, in collaboration with the Bracco Foundation and Progetto Steamiamoci-Assolombara, is offering seven scholarships, each worth €3,000, to deserving students enrolled in their first year of a master's degree in a STEM discipline (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in the academic year 2022/2023.
The “Women in STEM” project promotes the participation of women in scientific faculties where women are under-represented and provides support for women students pursuing careers in the fields of innovation and technology with a view to reducing the female dropout rate.
Confindustria-affiliated associations and companies are providing mentorship paths for women students as they enter the world of work.
The call remains open until 15 October 2023.
The call for projects and the application form are available here.