The exhibition of “Wasteland. The Garbage Patch State” in Milan
The photographic exhibition “Wasteland. The Garbage Patch State”, promoted by Bracco Foundation and CDI – Centro Diagnostico Italiano, talks about the artistic intervention of Maria Cristina Finucci through series of art installations made of plastic caps, to make people aware of the pollution in the seas. The exhibition is from July 2nd to 2018 October 31st in Milan, at CDI – Centro Diagnostico Italiano (via Saint Bon, 20).
The subject of the photographic exhibition dates back to 2013 with the creation by the author at UNESCO of an imaginary Federal State, made up of five enormous islands of plastic that really exist were formed in the past sixty years. The floating islands covered 16 million square kilometers. From the foundation of “The Garbage Patch State”, the artist intervening in many cities, creating monumental site-specific plastic works, described in the exhibition.
Bracco Foundation is continuing with the cycle of exhibitions at the Centro Diagnostico Italiano, focusing this year to the crucial issue of environmental pollution. Collaboration with the artist Maria Cristina Finucci began in 2015, when the Foundation commissioned the work “Il Vortice” and continued in 2018 with the intervention "HELP the ocean" at Fori Imperiali in Rome.