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9 May 2024

Inauguration of the exhibition “Life as a scientist” at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil

19 Mar 2024

Press conference exhibition “Piero della Francesca. The Augustinian Polyptyc reunited”

15 Mar 2024

Photographic exhibition opening “Plot Twist: From A for Artisan toolmaker to S for sculptress’’

13 Mar 2024

“Plot twist: Stories that you could never have imagined from women professionals”

16 Jun 2023

Cielo Itinerante Summer Camp Giambellino

23 May 2023

#100women sports experts

1 Jul 2022

The installation “Mind the STEM Gap – A Roblox Jukebox” in Triennale Milano

The installation “Mind the STEM Gap – A Roblox Jukebox” in Triennale Milanoplay
3 Mar 2022

Opening of the exhibition “Portrayed. Women directors of Italian museaums” at Palazzo Reale, Milan

22 Feb 2022

Diana Bracco presents “Titian and the image of women in 16th century Venice” great exhibition

Diana Bracco presents “Titian and the image of women in 16th century Venice” great exhibitionplay
14 Feb 2022

“Life as a scientist” exhibition in Mexico City