Research to measure the role and impact of corporate foundations on society
Bracco Foundation in collaboration with Fondazione Sodalitas is launching a research project into corporate foundations carried out by Percorsi di secondo welfare. Corporate foundations have grown 10% in the past 10 years, they invest in research into labour and support to young people and have not been studied since 2009.
The last study in Italy of corporate foundations dates back almost a decade, and much has changed since then: corporate foundations have grown in number, central nature in the strategy of the company’s founding them, awareness of their role, innovative capacity, effectiveness in contributing widely to the quality of life of people and the well-being of the community. The recently started research aims to fill the gap in knowledge that has grown over the years, mapping the corporate foundations in Italy and painting an updated picture of a very dynamic sector.
There will be a quantitative and qualitative phase. The questionnaire drawn up with some of the most important corporate foundations in Italy will study the main topics and dimensions: governance, relationship with the founding company, sectors of intervention and operating methods, future development strategies.
The qualitative study will bring out the distinctive trait and the capacity for project innovation that support the commitment and objectives of these foundations: promoting culture and art, investing in training and research, integrating the welfare system, reinforcing cohesion and social inclusion to meet the great challenges of our times (youth unemployment, ageing population, equal opportunities for women, migration, poverty and social vulnerability).