Presentation of the “Apa the Etruscan arrives in Rome” exhibition
On October 20 at midday in Rome a press conference announced the “Apa the Etruscan arrives in Rome” exhibition and presented a preview of the animated film Ati discovers Veio.
Speaking were Antonia Pasqua Recchia, General Secretary of MiBACT; Alfonsina Russo, Soprintendente per i Beni archeologici of Southern Etruria; Fabio Roversi Monaco, President of Genus Bononiae; Marco Lanzarini, director-general of CINECA; Giuseppe Sassatelli, director of the Department of history, culture and civilisation of the Università di Bologna; Giosuè Boetto Cohen, creator of the exhibition concept and director; Antonella Guidazzoli, Executive Producer CINECA; Elisabetta Patti, head of cultural projects with Bracco Foundation.
The exhibition, open from October 23, 2014 to February 22, 2015, comes from a joint idea and a twinning between the Villa Giulia National Etruscan Museum in Rome and Genus Bononiae - Musei nella Città di Bologna, with an unprecedented scientific and technological project by CINECA and with the support of Bracco Foundation. Simultaneously with the Roman exhibition, in the Palazzo Pepoli History Museum in Bologna the exhibition “The voyage beyond life. The Etruscans and the hereafter with masterpieces and virtual reality.” opens.
To know more about the project click here!